Vision - Exposed - 1986 - Wilbe Records
If any album was screaming for reissue on CD it would be this. Released in the fall of 1986, Vision comprise of Brandon McLaughlin and Leni Law. Produced by veteran Stax supremo Willam Bell and associate Albert Burroughs. For me 1986 was a classic year for soul music and was the final year that it remained unadulterated by faddish trends and brash culture. The black music scene was vibrant with a wealth of quality dance and ballad cuts all from proper artists on major labels, and if a track was to sum up all that was classy in 1986 it would, without a doubt, be "The Seduction". If not, it's surely one hell of a contender! When I first heard it I was frozen to the radio. Such a sensual, romantic, erotic, passionate and sexy song! An instrumental which acts as a melodic backdrop to a couple (I assume! Who knows, and why not!) making passionate love. Yes, the concept sounds trite, corny and whatever BUT it is none of these things. It is, in fact, so gorgeous and spine-tingling a track that it still gets me each and every time I play it today. The guys are great vocalists too, and they also perform the instrumentation so when they lay open the gorgeous track that is "Do It Tonight" they are completely in control. Vocally, they sound remarkably like Lakeside or someone similar. In other words, excellent. The sexy and synthy "Private Passion" takes a lot of beating too, and was another strong feature on radio back when some sanity reigned. Although on a small, independent label, the quality of these songs are up there with the big boys and who can ever wonder with the likes of William Bell in the building?! Some cuts were very poppy, and the cover of "Where Did Our Love Go" easily skipped over, but the album is mandatory for the three tracks highlighted. With the right company, the lights down low (and in my case a dozen paper bags over my head) and "The Seduction" playing you cannot fail...Barry TowlerThe Vibe Scribe