From starters orders the bar is raised exceptionally high. The title track shoves aside the New Jack Swingers with no mercy and lets all and sundry know that a real singer is here with real music. "Next Time" is hot enough to scorch the turntable, CD player - whatever...such a wonderful voice and such a sexy, well paced ballad. Top-draw if ever I heard it. One track that really gets me going is the KILLER "Slo-Dance", a song that slowly builds up to a pounding ballad with gritty vocals and plenty of warm, summery, synth to warm the cockles. As I write this, listening to this song - this album - I am choking up. God, the power of great soul music! Happy memories and wonderful music, it's all we need. A song that has me in pieces is "Message" - possibly the finest thing the great man has ever recorded. Amazing. Mind you, the dramatic "Interlude" and "I'll Be There" are equally as superb. I used to whack the volume up up on this and soak up the music and the hot sun. Happy days. However, the song that most will connect with is the beautifully fresh and evergreen "Heaven". Music like this cannot be beaten. Simply wonderful, and well worth seeking out should you not own it. Miles Jaye's finest moment.
Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe
The Vibe Scribe