Saturday, 14 February 2009

Luther Ingram - Luther Ingram - 1986 - Profile

Profile was a surprising choice of label for Soul Legend, Luther Ingram, to end up on. This particular label was at the forefront of the burgeoning Hip Hop and Rap scene so a set of this nature really did seem odd indeed! Still, that didn't matter one bit. You see, we've landed back in our musical, soulful TARDIS in 1986 again and even a hardcore rap label can produce sophisticated 'candle-lit' dinner style soul music and get away with it! I wonder how many people who fought hard to get a decent copy of this on LP knew it was also available on CD in 1986? Long deleted, it's possibly not surprising that not many people have picked up on the fact that the CD had been reissued on CD a few years ago at a very inexpensive cost! Regardless of cost, the LP is worth slinging aside and replacing with CD. The two tracks I am about to highlight on here demand nothing short of top-notch quality playback.

The album itself was mostly southern orientated. No surprises there, really. I want to make you aware of the gorgeous "Right Away"which was VERY much in the classy, sophisticated adult-urban quiet storm style and today as then I can hear jazz vocalist Mark Winkler doing a great job on this song. Laid back, unhurried and almost conversational, Luther breezes through this gem with deliberate ease. I love this song to pieces and I know that you'll take it to heart, as you will the KILLER "Baby Don't Go Too Far". The dreamy synths and keys do more than justice to Luther's superb vocal skills. His Southern lilt is present here and the female backing vocalists, the Shoals Sisters - Ava Aldridge, Cindy Richardson and Myrtice Fields - are just what the doctor ordered. As good as anything the big labels were releasing, and Hush in particular, Luther Ingram blends in with the slick, 80s soul generation effortlessly. We've since lost this mighty talent, but at least we have much of his 60s, 70s and now his 80s works available on CD. Don't, I beg you, miss out on this CD a second time.

Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe

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